As you look around at your desk, what do you see? Do you have the traditional desk organizers from your local office supply store? Did you pick them up because of the price, functionality, or because you should have it?
Many entrepreneurs when starting off on their own, set up their home office as a mirror image of what they left behind. Oftentimes finding that they don't have enough wall space for mementos like they had when they lived in a cube. Perhaps it's not the wall space they miss, but the ample amount of filing cabinets they had in their office. Whatever the dilemma, it's the bigger picture of LEAVE IT ALL BEHIND! You left the rat race to spread your wings, spend more time with your family, become more independent, well don't forget to cut the office shoe strings as well.
Think outside the box when it comes to setting up your home office. Instead of purchasing a plastic paperclip holder, why not find a beautiful dish or candle holder you have lying around the house? Better yet, stop by your local antique shop and see what you can find there. What are some other ideas for more non-traditional office supplies?
6 Not-So-Traditional Organizing Solutions
1. Magazine Holders - Instead of using them to hold your magazines, try utilizing them in lieu of stacking racks. You can have one magazine holder for each client or project you are working on. They will not only hold a file, but books, magazines, or any other items you may need to complete your project. If you aren't happy with the color, throw on a couple coats of paint or wrap them with contact paper or your favorite wrapping paper.
2. Adhesive Business Card Sleeves - Although these work great for the inside of a file folder to hold the business cards for your client or vendor, you can also use them to label things. Place one on each filing cabinet drawer and write on the back of some of your old business cards what is in the drawer. Use them on the back of the magazine holder so you know which client or project it is for.
3. Over-the-Door Shoe Rack - I have talked about these before and they are brilliant to use for office supplies. Simply put one over the back of your office door and you have instant space for printer cartridges, extra pens, staples, tape, etc.
4. Coffee Mug - Why not use one of the numerous coffee mugs you have in the house for your pens and pencils? It doesn't have to be a traditional ugly one, maybe one of the more decorative mugs or if you really want to remind yourself what you left behind use the coffee mug from your last employer.
5. Gift Tags - If you love to label all of your baskets, boxes, or binders try using some of the colorful gift tags you find at the store. Not only do they brighten up your space, you have something uniquely you surrounding your space. Plus it's a cheery way of reminding you that there is work to be done.
6. Metal Strips - You may not necessarily need a cork board even if you like to hang things up where you can see them. IKEA has some great metal magnetic strips for $.99 that work out spendidly for hanging up notes, coupons, deadlines, or articles that have been written about you and your new endeavor.
Try not to worry so much about setting up your office to look like an office. You may find that you are more inspired to work when you feel like you working for you and not for someone else. The most important piece of working for yourself is having a work environment you can work in and one that works for you.
Happy Organizing!
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